i wanna be a chicken how would i do that
by tyrant98
to Mat .
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how does the atomic bomb really intiate a explosion
by tlafjex
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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I’m a Scientist (Hydrogen) – the final two are…
by 8u4breaky
to .
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How did all matter start?
by tommy4711
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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Why is phenophethailne pink when mixed with sodium hydroxide?
by sopioalya
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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how does gold form????
by siennarox123
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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Do you watch the Big Bang Theory?
by hufflepuffsareparticualarlygoodfinders
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
can future parents decide what gender they want their baby to be and if so how?
by claudia
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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what is the healthiest thing to eat that also gives you energy, protine and can make you loose weight?
by siennarox123 and 1 other.
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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how big is the brain?
by bhodg88
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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What is stomach acid made of?
by cassburga
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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how many planets are known now in space by humens
by em98 and 1 other.
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
how does an MRI scan work and are there any dangers to it?
by laurenn
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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does chocolate actually make you feel better?
by katelynspaans
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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does chocolate get rid of hedaches and if so how?
by tgebby
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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have you ever solved or helped solve a murder?
by dilligaf
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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explain what science means to you in 3 words.
by nsciezka
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
if you dug a whole right through the middle of the earth and went in the middle would you fall through or stay in the
by dilligaf and 2 others.
to Mat, Bridget, Aimee, Kieran .
Comments: (so far, 7 comments)
what is the best part of your job
by kirsty and 5 others.
to Mat, Bridget, Kieran, Aimee, Mags .
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does the earth produce asphault?????
by emitc75
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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whats the most disgusting, scariest and dangerous thing you have ever done in your work?
by siennarox123
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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how long can human life be extended by?
by emma
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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last year I was invited to the Forensic science camp at armidale and we used iron filings and magnetic wands to reveal
by god7
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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what kind of dinosours do you like
by ashley
to Aimee .
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I watched this… odd little video yesterday and wondered what your opinion is about Chakras and the things he talks
by god7
to Aimee .
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how is DNA different between people and how is it simmilar between relatives
by kathylea
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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do lizards swim
by z123
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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Is love real? or are the emotions we feel just figments of our imagination, and what we think we shoulds feel?
by aless
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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Whats the worst thing about your job?
by emmajayne and 2 others.
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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how do vacinations work
by kathylea
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mat .
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how long does it take a sunflower to flower?
by aliceinthepalace911
to Mat .
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is your favourite colour blue?
by bhodg88
to Aimee .
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I’m a Scientist (Hydrogen Zone) – next to leave is…
by 8u4breaky
to .
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is the koala bear a bear ?
by aliceinthepalace911
to Aimee .
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what is the smartest animal??
by millymilkman
to Bridget, Aimee .
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Why is the power of a loudspeaker produced in watts
by dhopk15
to Mat, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
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why do scientest has to know a lot o things
by ashley
to Mat .
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Is stomach acid relly green like in movies?
by cassburga
to Mat, Aimee .
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If we only see light when it reflects off objects, how do we see a flame in a fire??
by rosy
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
if you could test anything, what would it be?
by siennarox123
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
Do scientists make videogames?
by jazzyping
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
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how long do you plan to do science for?
by lauraterps and 1 other.
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
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what causes us to dream, and why do we dream certain things?
by krishanid
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
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can you hear thunder and see lightning at the same time?
by nsciezka
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
What causes differentiation in people’s accents – not as in other people speaking in a certain way around them, but the
by pineapplelozenge and 1 other.
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
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what did you do today?
by nsciezka
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
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how can you make your hair grow faster?
by siennarox123
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
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why do birds not get electrified when they sit on the electric wires?
by siennarox123
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
how to remember the periodic table?
by alyssa1314 and 1 other.
to Mat, Mags, Kieran, Bridget, Aimee .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
do you believe in aliens?
by siennarox123 and 1 other.
to Aimee, Bridget, Kieran, Mags, Mat .
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