Question: does chocolate actually make you feel better?

  1. Can do, yes. If you enjoy something, then doing that can make you feel better. Exercise, for example, releases hormones into your blood called endorphins, and that can actually make you happier. I know – I’ve had that experience. You may also be feeling low from low sugar, and eating something sugary can sometimes help with that. But generally it’s because it’s a nice thing to do, so makes you happier. Simple!


  2. If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, then you’ll know that chocolate is the best cure for a dementor attack 🙂

    It’s also pretty good for muggles who need a little boost too.

    Chocolate contains tryptophan, an essential part of our diet which is an anti-depressant and helps to reduce pain. Tryptophan helps us to make serotonin, a chemical which makes us feel happy.

    Eating chocolate, if you enjoy it, causes your body to release endorphins, which reduce pain and make you feel good.

    So yes! chocolate can make you feel better. The healthy alternative would be eating some dairy products (which contain tryptophan) and potato (which contains serotonin) then going for a run, or skydiving (to release endorphins). But chocolate is tastier and easier.


  3. Again Aimee and Matt have great answers, to which there is nothing useful that I can add.

