Question: Do you watch the Big Bang Theory?

  1. Hi ‘HarryPotterFan’ 🙂 I do enjoy the Big Bang Theory (the TV show). My housemates have a couple of seasons on DVD so I can watch those whenever I feel the need to see some science geeks (I have met very few people in real life science that are like the guys on that show).

    I also have a friend called Sheldon who we tease (in a friendly way) because he studies Maths and Science, but is not very geeky.


  2. Don’t watch TV any more, so sorry, no. I’m assuming this is not a show that’s actually about the big bang, every week. Can’t imagine there’d be a lot of laughs there.


  3. I do not watch much commercial TV. In particular, I do not watch Big Bang Theory.



  1. Hi hufflepuffsareparticualarlygoodfinders. The sorting hat put me in Gryffindor so I wonder what that makes me.

    I watch The Big Bang now and then. It’s a funny show. I don’t know anyone that is like any of the guys.


  2. the big bang is so goooooooood


  3. the big bang show is the funniest show eva!!! Sheldon is awesome! He is absolutely classic! 🙂
