Question: are some charaters involved with science like bugs bunny or something?

  1. Hi silky, I’m not quite sure what you mean but I think you’re asking if there are any science-y cartoon characters?

    If that’s right, then I actually don’t know. I don’t think there are a lot of cartoons about science, at least not ones that you would commonly see on TV. There is a TV show called ‘Tracey McBean’ about a young girl who is an inventor. She is really a scientist as well because she makes new things and has to test them out to see if they work, then try to improve them.

    There are a lot of ‘mad scientist’ characters in different shows that do crazy and often evil things. Which is a bit weird really as (most) real scientists are trying to do good things and make the world better, rather than trying to take it over!

    I can’t really find much about cartoons with scientists in them. It would be good if there were more because science is interesting and I think you could make a really good show.

