Question: if you coulds bring back one extinct animal what would it be?

  1. To my knowledge, scientists are already working to bring back two extinct animals – the tasmanian tiger and the woolly mammoth – but there are probably more animals that they are working on too. Scientists are trying to clone the DNA of the tassie tiger and the mammoth, and this is proving to be quite a difficult task.

    As for what extinct animal I would like to see brought back, I don’t have an answer for you. I think there are some ethical problems with bringing back extinct animals, even if it was humans that caused their extinction. “Bringing back” an extinct animal would mean making an exact copy of a dead animal of that species. Even if we copied multiple animals for a species, there would be too little genetic variation for the species to survive in the wild. There may not even be a “wild” for the species to live in, especially if habitat destruction was the reason for it’s extinction.

    I think it is better to avoid causing animal extinctions where we can, rather than bringing them back to life once they’ve disappeared. Prevention is better than a cure.

