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Recent Questions
- How come some people feel the cold/heat more than others?
- Do you dissect dead bodies to understand more about how we work?
- what created the astroid belt?
- how is it that you can have more than one rainbow at the same time?
- Do you ever think that one of your drugs to fight diseases will cause everyone to turn into zombies like in I am Legend
Recent Comments
- how would you describe a basic nerve (in a human body) and its function? (1 comments)
- How far away is your estimation of the period in which we begin eating synthetic meat products? (1 comments)
- Can blank stem cells replace cancer cells and in effect, cure cancer? (1 comments)
- I watched this... odd little video yesterday and wondered what your opinion is about Chakras and the things he talks (1 comments)
- What happens if an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? (1 comments)