Question: How much paper work is there in the job?

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  1. There’s a bit, but it’s mostly Lab work for me at the moment. I have to keep a Lab Book, so each day I write down what I’ve done and what the results were. This is pretty important as otherwise I would forget all the details so I would never be able to do the same experiment again, or explain it properly later on. It’s not hard to do this, I just right things down as I’m doing the experiments. Some people are a bit naughty and don’t keep any notes, then they get in trouble when their boss wants to check what they’ve done!

    When I get to the end of my project I will have to write a thesis, a big book full of information about what I have done. Scientists also write papers, which explain what they have done and are read by other scientists. Writing papers is an important way to show the work that you have been doing and helps you get more money for doing your research.


  2. There’s some, yes. It’s the worst part of the job. You do the paperwork because the Uni is important, and you want it to work. Thankfully paperwork is usually very easy compared to science, so you don’t have to think much about it. Even astronauts have paperwork.

