Question: what do you think of global warming?

  1. I think human activity is causing the climate to change and not for the better unfortunately. The majority of the scientists who study this, over 90% of them, are saying this. The people who are not agreeing with this who are seen in the news are people who don’t understand the science. They read the same reports as the climate scientists and because they don’t understand the science, reach conclusions that are not backed up by science.

    The difficult part about talking about global warming or climate change is when it comes to the part about changing our lifestyles for the long term survival of all of us. People don’t like change. That’s pretty much normal. Other people don’t see why they should care about polar bears in the Arctic, it’s too far away. How people feel messes up the reasoning ability and there’s nothing wrong with this just so long as people are able to talk about what it is they don’t like.

    The wrong way on talking about global warming is to say that the science isn’t real or that it’s rigged and then not say how it’s rigged. That part doesn’t make any sense. As a scientist, the first thing I worry about when answering questions is getting it wrong. And if it is wrong, I would like to be told about it and also be told how and where I made the mistake so I can learn something and be better. Though the reasons of why I made a mistake need to also make sense.

    That’s how all scientists work. People making claims that climate scientists aren’t listening are wrong about this.

    Here’s a neat video made by climate scientists from ABC’s Hungry Beast

