Question: How did the first ever sheep/cow/goat/kangaroo/wombat/rabbit get on the Earth? or well... be brought onto the Earth?

  1. Evolution. Life started simple and became more complex. That’s the pattern. It did it because it could, and by becoming more complex it could exist in different places, or be more successful (by having kids). Sheep, and all the others, are just elements of a varied and amazing world.

    “Brought”? You mean like in an alien taxi? No – evolution should answer your question.


  2. I don’t think there was a space bus that dropped off animals and plants to Earth. Something sparked life to exist on the planet and from there simple lifeforms formed and evolved over time becoming more and more complicated and varied.


  3. We are all a little different from our parents and from those who came before us.

    Modern students are different from students in the past. You can surf the internet. You can text with more than one finger. Old-time students could NOT even use calculators (calculators weren’t invented then). Modern students are so different from students a few hundred years ago that you are like a completely different “species”. BUT it is wrong to think of a “first ever” modern student. There was no “first ever”.

    It is also wrong to think of a “first ever” sheep/cow/goat/kangaroo/wombat/rabbit. These animals are descended from but are slightly different from their parents. They evolved from their parents and from their ancestors.

