Question: Do people who play with lego or magnetix have a higher iq or use their brain capacity more ?

  1. IQ is only one way of measuring intelligence. Howard Gardner wrote a booked called “Frames Of Mind: The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences”, in which he described how different people are “intelligent” in different ways.
    Some people are really good with words and communication.
    Some are really good with maths and logic.
    Some are good with shapes and the way things fit together in space.
    Some are good at controlling their arms and legs (good at sports, etc).
    Some have musical intelligence.
    Some are good with emotions and relating to other people (emotional intelligence).
    There’s about 8 different “intelligences”.
    People who like playing with Lego or Magnetix are usually good at the shapes and spatial intelligence, but it doesn’t necessarily link with being intelligent in other ways.



  1. 0k , thanks for that
